Property Meth Testing Process

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property meth testing

There are three levels of testing for methamphetamine in properties. If meth has been detected at the initial screening level, Resultz Group will support you through the process of contamination level detailed assessment testing.

1. Meth Screening Test

One of the most reliable screening processes currently available is the laboratory composite test, which identifies the true average of contamination, rather than merely detecting meth.

In a Laboratory Composite, a sample is collected from every room on the property and sent to an accredited laboratory for analysis.

Laboratory staff will take a sample from each test tube and combine them into a single analysis (maximum 10 samples per composite). The result returned gives an average contamination across the samples as well as a combined total, which indicates the highest level that could be present in any single area.

How it works

  • One sample taken in every “high use” area in accordance with NZS8510:2017
  • As the samples are all kept separate, if contamination is found they can be re-analysed individually to ascertain which sampling locations are contaminated.
  • NB: Re-analysis is an additional cost – In-depth Analysis service
  • As samples are taken and kept individually, the sample collection takes longer, and stricter cross-contamination practices must be enforced.

2. In-Depth Property Meth Screening

In the event that meth is detected, this in-depth screening allows us to determine if any individual area is in fact above the 1.5 ug/100cm2 threshold. If meth is detected above 1.5 ug/100cm2 then we move to level 3. If it is below 1.5 ug/100cm2, no further action is required. This involves:

  • Individually analysing the original samples obtained will determine if any single area has returned levels above 1.5 ug/100cm2
  • This analysis is performed by an accredited laboratory. The results are reported by Resultz Group.
  • For low levels of methamphetamine, a report can be issued stating that no area has returned a level above 1.5 ug/100cm2. The property does not need to be revisited to perform this analysis.

3. Detailed Meth Assessment

Required in accordance with the NZ standard 8510:2017 to determine the extent of contamination and to create a scope of remedial work. Detailed assessment testing involves individual room by room testing.

This type of testing is required when a Screening Assessment has exceeded 1.5ug/sample – the maximum acceptable level of methamphetamine as set out by the New Zealand Standard – NZS 8510:2017. In the next step, a sampling plan is developed to assess the samples required and detailed information about the property. This plan is presented to the client for approval before any further work is done.

Using a methanol-dampened gauze swab, each sample is collected over an area measuring 100cm2. Multiple samples are required per room/area, determined based on the room size and surface types present to give a complete picture of the contamination spread within the property.

Computer screen displaying results from House Meth Testing

The Report

Full reporting is provided, sufficient to meet the requirements of insurance companies and for decontamination specialists to build a scope of remediation to bring the property below the 1.5 ug/100cm2 threshold.

A recommendation and result interpretation are included to outline which areas require decontamination and what should be included in the remedial work. Detailed information about each area, including photos is also provided meaning most decontamination companies will be able to provide a quote based on this report alone.

  • Meets requirements of NZS 8510:2017 contamination level assessment by an accredited sampler
  • Detailed information to assist in the efficiency of the decontamination process
  • Accepted by insurance companies to proceed with the claims process

Post Decontamination Testing

Following any required decontamination works, re-testing of areas previously above 1.5 ug/100cm2 is completed to ensure all areas are now below this threshold. Once all areas return below this, a clearance report will be issued and a certificate of clearance can then be issued by the decontamination company.

  • Sampling plan to assess which samples are required to ensure full clearance can be provided. This plan is presented to the client for approval before sampling is carried out
  • Check of the property to ensure all work outlined in the scope has been completed
  • Clearance issued for the property following results below 1.5 ug/100cm2